A listing of the key contacts within the Parish… If you would like to find out more about a particular group please contact the Parish Office Parish Pastoral Council Parish Finance Council Chairperson: James Bokenham Secretary: Mary Jennings Alpha series In...
The Cemetery Committee offers advice to the Parish Priest on Cemetery matters including maintenance, allocation of graves and niches in the columbarium walls as well as historical aspects. The Committee also assists with the organisation of the All Souls open air Mass...
Catholic Women’s League is an organisation that has several levels of involvement: Parish, Local community, State, National and International. International participation is through the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) whose...
Catechists or Catholic Scripture Teachers, come in all shapes, sizes, ages and from all walks of life, reflecting the rich tapestry of our Church. The one thing we have in common is a desire to nurture the faith of the children in our Diocese. Catechists make a...