Understanding Parish Collections
Secure Parish Giving
Our Parish relies on your generosity for all of the ministry that we undertake together. Since many people no longer carry cash with them, this secure online payment facility gives you the chance to donate to St Paul’s – even during Mass.
Just click the link, and type in your name, a contact phone number or email address, and the amount you wish to give. Then choose MasterCard or Visa, and complete your details. Done!

Use this secure BPOINT facility provided by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia to make a payment or offering for any of these services:
- General Giving
- Baptism
- Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Program
- Confirmation Program
- Wedding bookings
- Baptism
- Parish Events
- Donation & Projects

A parish is dependent on the generosity of its parishioners to sustain itself and its many charitable and pastoral works. This support is mainly through the two collections that are taken up during each Sunday Mass.
The First Collection – for the clergy
The first collection provides for a priest’s monthly stipend, food and drinks, private health insurance and superannuation contribution – as well as a contribution towards priests who have retired. The collection is centralised – after the cost of food and drinks has been withdrawn, the remaining balance each month is swept into the Clergy Remuneration Fund.
Audited Reports

At the end of each calendar year, an external auditor reviews the parish accounts. A copy of the Auditor’s Report is given to the Diocese, the Parish Finance Council and parishioners.

The Second Collection – for the parish
Planned Giving envelopes and any loose cash donated at this collection are banked into a parish account which is overseen by the Parish Finance Council. Direct debits and direct donations through BPOINT are also deposited into this Parish Account.
The very many costs of running a parish are deducted from this account. These expenses include:
- parish operating expenses such as insurance, electricity, water, telephone & internet, general maintenance and upkeep of the church, parish centre, meeting room, presbytery, car park and church grounds.
- loan debt servicing for the Narthex and Car Park and Parish Equipment loans
- parish pastoral programs, such as scripture in state schools
- parish staff salaries including superannuation
- car expenses for the priest
- a ‘Cathedraticum’ – a contribution of 10% of the second collection (excluding donations) to the Bishop towards the running cost of the Diocese
Leave a gift in your Will
Think about it…
Your parish Church has been present at most of the important milestones in your life; your baptism, your first communion, at times of great celebration and at times of great sadness.
The work of the many ministries of the Catholic Church are far-reaching, life-giving and life-saving … everyday.
By leaving a gift to your Church in your Will, you will leave a legacy of faith, a legacy to help ensure that the mission and pastoral outreach that has been important to you, will continue and grow both for today’s needs and for those of our children and our grandchildren.
- A gift in your Will is called a bequest.
- A bequest can be a gift of property or cash.
- For example: a specific amount of your choice; a particular belonging such as jewellery; property that you own; a percentage of your estate; part of your estate that remains after you have provided for your loved ones; or, the whole of your estate.
- Every gift is greatly appreciated as it is cherished by you.
For your final wishes to be honoured:
- You must have a valid Will. For this reason, it is advisable you arrange to have a Will drawn up by a solicitor.
- It is recommended that you let your family know that a gift to the Church is important to you and advise any executors and guardians of your wishes.
- We ask that you inform us of your intended gift and your preferred acknowledgement.
Appropriate wording
It is important the correct clauses and terminology are used in your Will. If you would like to leave something in your will to St Paul’s, then this is the suggested wording:
“I give to the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Wollongong, as trustee for the Catholic Parish of Saint Paul’s in Albion Park (ABN 31 552 342 037), in the State of New South Wales for its general purposes, the sum of $__________ or _____ percent of my estate or the property at ________________ (or other specific items), free of all duties, taxes and other deductions of whatever kind.
I declare that the receipt of the Parish Priest, or other designated officer, of the Catholic Parish of Saint Paul’s in Albion Park (ABN 31 552 342 037) shall be sufficient discharge to my Executors and Trustees.”